Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Had a Great Time at School

I had a blast at school ( cant remember when the below things happened)

1. Dpt tgk mr. y yg sngt2 cute 2 dpt tgk 'yohan' la jgk
2. Aiman asked me sumthin very personal
3. I jd AJK rumah Biru ( Mahmud)
4. Syafiq mane ntah tetibe kim slm kat i
5. Kene marah gile2 ngn kakak pengawas (dia 2 bitch sngt la)
6. I tink Mr. Y n Yohan dh tau i like them
7. Makan dinner sepempena my mum n dad's aniversery (wuuuu!!!!)
8. Makan kat Tg. Lumpur ngn my dad pnye workers
9. Ramai org gosip i ngn Aiman ( WTH )
10. They said that Mr. Y said that who ever becomes his wife he will teach 2 wife 2 b a 'pelacur'
11. Jason a hot st john dude walked by me n Raihan.

Afta i pegi jmpe Mahmud ( i pegi meeting rumah Mahmud la) i singgah kat umah merah jap Abdullah name dia org. Ad ngn Hajar ade so i wat x malu jela. I nmpk Mr. Y n Yohan. Cute gile. Mr. Y lari mmg cute. Yohan lari cute jgk.

Aiman asked me;
Aiman: Fatin, ka dah baghlil ke??? ( i x tau eja that word mcm ne)
Fazaza: (Laughed!!!! laughed!!!! laughed!!!)
Then i terpakse la. I angguk slowly. Mmg weird momment la mase 2.

Mule2 diaorg pnggl Aiman pas2 Aiman dtg pnggl me n Amirul n i was like "pahal plak la" pas2 cikgu Roni ckp Fatin awk jd AJK tingkatan 1 perumpuan n Aiman awk jd AJK tingkatan 1 lelaki.

Syafiq tetibe kim slm kat i. Ntah knpla. Tp i x tau la coz Azrul yg bg tau. Esk i nk tnye azrul 2 btl2 la. Syafiq mane yg kim slm kat i.

Kiteorg like bosan gile mase assembly. Cikgu 2 ngarot ah ntah bnde dia ckp. Then kakak 2 tetibe eh ley senyap x. N i ngn Raihan senyap kejap jela. Mls la nk layan kakak yg 2. Pas2 kakak 2 blah. Tention gile ooo...

Mr. Y n Yohan knoe that i like them. But i tink la. Coz mcm obvious sngt yg i tnjk i suke kat diaorg nie. Lgpn that day, i lalu kat tepi Yohan pas2 i kinda shrieked then dia mcm pndng... lol..
N Mr.Y come on la. Obvious sngt. Kelas RK 1 2 3 dah tau. Kelas RK 4 5 6 not sure la tau ke x.

My mum n dad's aniversery mkn kat Zoom Raiders. Dah la lembab gile nk mampos buat Vanilla Milkshake ntah ape2. Chicken Chop x sdp lgsng. But it was a sweet night esspecially 4 my mum n dad. LOL

I had dinner with my dad pnye workers. Anak worker my dad nie suke kat my bro n dia mcm malu2 la. And i laughed like crazy. LOL.

Ramai org gosip i ngn Aiman. lol. Actually to all the people yg gosip i ngn Aiman we dont have anything special k. Me n Aiman are only FRENZ k not a couple or anything juz FRENZ. Syafiq 1 KAA lalu kat kelas pas2 dia point 2 fingers n kinda joined them. What he means is mentang2 i ddk sebelah Aiman kat dlm kelas dia ckp i ngn Aiman have sumthin special fuck him la. Lgpn Aiman suke sum1 else. I cant tell u that coz i dh promised him not to tell any1.

another funny story. Aiman ckp sape2 yg jadi wife Mr. Y. Mr.Y akan teach his wife how 2 b a prostitute. LOL. I laughed n laughed n lauhged like crazy gile. Then i ckp la x kn la dia dh ade wife then sanggup tgk wife dia do things that they are not supposed 2 do. That is so crazy!!

Jason ( i tink his name is Jason ) walked by me n Raihan. We shrieked gile2 pas2 ade ckgu nie dgr then ckgu 2 ckp 'ha.. ha... ha...' kinda like that la. lol. Tapi dia jln mcm pondan la!!!!! adoohh!!

Ok thats all. BTW, my overall results 4 my 1st exam. is 3A 4B 1C. lol. lol. lol.

the 3A's:
1. Maths 94%
2. English 88%
3. Geography 88%

the 4B's
1. Kemahiran Hidup 74%
2. Bahasa Malaysia 78%
3. Science 70%
4. Agama 64%

the 1C:
1. Sejarah 52%

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